The One

Stunt Car Racer

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Micro Style
Machine: Amiga 500

Published in The One #11

Stunt Car Racer

Gary Penn takes MicroStyle's rev 'em up out for a spin and finds it's a case of fatal a-traction (or should that read a-track-tion?)

So you've raced around almost every famous race course around the world, along Californian highways, across a roasting desert setting and around raceways of the future. But how does this suicidal stunt grab you...

Geoff Crammond's already given us racing car thrills with Revs and off-the-wall tension with The Sentinel. Now he offers you the chance to race round a track built on logs high above the ground at break-neck speeds in a glorified beach buggy.

Stunt Car Racer

The effect of speed is excellent, and the realistic feeling of racing at height is sure to unnerve even the least acrophobic among us.

It must be said, this is how Electronic Arts' Powerdrome *should* have felt (It certainly had plenty of exciting gameplay elements). Stunt Car Racer feels quite wonderful and offers sufficient lasting challenge with the league system and the datalink option, which allows two ST or Amiga owners to race against each other.

This is all very well for anyone suitably equipped, but the less fortunate among us you can't help wishing for more variety in the courses - even psuedo-random ones. How about an add-on disk?

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