
Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Bubble Bus
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Computer & Video Games #49


When was the last time you really had run playing a game? And we mean fun! Well, here's the answer to every jaded games player's prayer - just the thing to lift the spirits in the dark winter days to come.

Starquake is the brainchild of Stephen "Wizard's Lair" Crow and features an odd little character called BLOB - or Bio-Logically Operated Being. Despite his name, BLOB will soon find a place in your heart.

But what about the game - you cry! Well, it goes like this. Earth has just received news of an unstable planet emerging from a black hole somewhere at the edge of the galaxy. If the core of this planet is not quickly rebuilt it will explode.


BLOB has been chosen for this deadly mission. Why? Because all the other droids are bigger than him! Ho, hum. So BLOB sets off in his spacecraft with just an A-Z to the Galaxy for company. His spacecraft comes down with a bit of a bump leaving BLOB high and dry on a planet, which is about to explode and with only a short time to rebuild the core.

Still, with your help he'll soon be zapping around the underground caverns collecting objects, discovering secrets and solving puzzles - meanwhile you'll be having a great time!

The planet is inhabited by alien creatures who drain poor old BLOB's energy on contact. But he can zap them if he's quick enough! To help him get about, BLOB has platforms which he can drop and stand on. Useful for getting over tall obstacles when you haven't got one of the space-hoppers which you can use to fly about on.


You'll find Hoppers dotted about in the caverns - along with teleports, weapons packs, key codes and cards.

Lots of puzzles, great graphics over 400 screens, some of the best sound ever from the Spectrum and a cute hero. What more could you ask for? The money to buy the game of course!

Whatever you do, *don't* miss out on Starquake. Rush out and beg, borrow or steal a copy now!

Other Reviews Of Starquake For The Spectrum 48K

Starquake (Bubble Bus)
A review by (Crash)

Starquake (Bubble Bus)
A review by Ross Holman (Your Spectrum)

Starquake (Bubble Bus)
A review by Chris Bourne (Sinclair User)

Starquake (Bubble Bus)
A review

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