One of the things that amazes me
about our galaxy is the amount of dishonesty
there is about. I mean, someone
actually stole the tungstidium
jewels from the Emperor of Zxylon.
Anyway he was caught and got what
he deserved. He's been put in a 3D
maze which has been constructed on a
space platform.
By the time he gets out of there he'll
have learnt the error of his ways.
Still it's an ill wind that blows no
good. The whole episode has given Kay
Dee Software the idea for a clever new
adventure game called Star Maze II.
The idea is that you are put in the
maze and have to find your way out.
The screen shows you the view forward
and you can use the cursor keys to
move forwards, back, left, or right.
Also you have a display telling you
which way you are currently facing, the
co-ordinates of your position, and,
ominously, the amount of energy that
you have left.
It's utterly fascinating, and it's all
too easy to monopolise the micro while
you try to crack the problem.
Irritatingly it's one of those games where
onlookers feel obliged to give advice.
My advice to them is to go away and
buy their own copy of Star Maze II.
They won't regret it.