Stainless Steel

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Mikro-Gen
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Computer & Video Games #60

Stainless Steel

Mmmm! What a nice cover! The guy on the front looks like an all-American hero, if ever I set eyes upon one. He's got lots of leather gear, a fast car, a dame in more leather, an enormous gun, and a pair of mirrored sunglasses.

This, readers, is Ricky Steel - tough guy and defender of truth, the meek and nice red cars.

The game has a brain-squeezingly original storyline - Dr Vardos is going to conquer the earth with his horde of androids. You must stop him.

Stainless Steel

The game comes in four zones, each featuring Ricky in a different situation, be it on foot, battling against helicopters and suchlike, or in his car, Nightwind, driving along a dusty desert road.

The whole program is remarkably similar to Spy Hunter. Movement is quite smooth, but the game is very reminiscent of some early Spectrum stuff from Imagine.

This game is so mediocre that even the Ed himself couldn't bring himself to play it for more than a few minutes. Sorry, Mikro-Gen, try again.

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