Blast Annual

Spies In The Night 2

Author: Brian Matherne
Publisher: Jared Gray West
Machine: Atari 2600

Published in Blast Annual 2020 Volume 1

Spies In The Night 2

You are Roger Starling, twin brother of Ray Starling. Your mission: sneak through dozens of rooms, ascend each floor of the lighthouse, plant and arm the explosives, and escape, all before Ray accomplishes his mission and reaches the detonator outside.

It won't be easy. Each floor of the lighthouse features a choice of two doors. Some doors lead to dangerous areas that must be traversed. Some of the doors lead to room-sized ENIAC computers. Activate the computer at its keypad and you will be rewarded - or possibly set back. Your x-ray glasses allow you to peer into each room to get an idea of the traps or bonuses it contains, but you must be near the door in order for them to work. Is it worth peering into each room? Or will you save a few precious seconds by plunging ahead defiantly into the unknown?

If you fail your mission, don't worry - you can always try again, and this time you will have more complete knowledge about the layout of the lighthouse. The danger rooms and ENIAC computers are always in the same places. With persistence, skill, and a little bit of luck, you'll be able to reach the top of the lighthouse and save the free world. This game is one of those rare sequels where the second one is better than the original. With all of the mini games inside of it, it's never the same game twice!

Brian Matherne

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