
Special Agent

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Heinemann
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Crash #31

Special Agent

This game is developed to develop the ability to read, understand timetables, interpret information quickly and make logical decisions based on information in a situation where there are many possibilities. It includes insights into the relative speeds and costs of air and rail travel, and lets children become familiar with the positions and names of Europe's cities and towns.

The game comes in a large plastic folder with the cassette tucked in one side and the large format, colour book (16 pages) in the other.

The game is played on a very large scale, and in fact comes very close to a mixture between adventure and strategy games that might well appeal to much older people. Basically you sit in your control centre of spying with a map of Europe. Below the map, all sorts of reports come in from secret agents in the various loctions. These may be in clear or code (which can be deciphered bit by bit). Information may well be from informers (which must be purchased) or it may tell you a spy has been eliminated. More spies can be hired.

Special Agent

If you decide you must go to a city to make contact with your agent there, a sheet of various timetables can be displayed and journeys may be undertaken by various modes of transport relative to speed, cost and convenience.

The graphics are very detailed and complex, but the game is fun to play, backed up by heavily illustrated book with background to spies in fact and fiction, as well as information on the many cities and towns involved in the adventure.

Despite the slightly high price, this is an undoubtedly excellent package for the price.

Other Reviews Of Special Agent For The Spectrum 48K

Special Agent (Heinemann)
A review

Special Agent (Fiveways)
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Special Agent (Heinemann)
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