Blast Annual

Spaceman Splorf: Planet Of Doom

Author: Brian Matherne
Publisher: Pond
Machine: Atari 2600

Published in Blast Annual 2020 Volume 1

Spaceman Splorf: Planet Of Doom

You are Splorf, Space Corp Sanitation Engineer 5th Class, Lavatorial Division. A small yet vital cog in the corporate machine. You are good at your job.

The rumours have reached even the lowest levels of Methane Station; the harvest ships have brought disastrous news concerning the defensive system protecting Space Corp's interests from space pirates and fierce competitors! "You there", a middle manager shouts at you, "Commander Splix needs a volunteer! Get your lazy plarp up to level 17 immediately!"

The rumours were true! Exploding gasteroids have damaged the disintegration fence above Planet Doom, and Commander Splix wants you to fix it! Repairman Splorf to the rescue. Working quickly to fix the damaged shield generator before evil space pirates steal the precious gas resources from the planet below, you suddenly see your company-issued spanner drifting off towards the planet. Using your jetpack you desperately follow the spanner into a particularly pungent gasteroid field - just as the now fully operational disintegration fence above you turns itself back on.

Spaceman Splorf is a fairly simple game. Pressing the joystick button causes your space friend to fire up his jetpack, and the more you hold it down, the higher you climb. If you run into an asteroid or the top or bottom of the game screen, it's game over! How high can you score? And will you play "just one more time" to see if you can beat your previous best?? The high score (on the title screen) is retained until the power is turned off.

Once you have gained competence in maneuvering your jetpack above Planet Doom, you can rocket your career with the "Golden Spanner" award. Achieve a score of 4,000 points (or more) and you can be eligible to join the '4th Class Engineer group - Lavatorial Division' and receive a free patch in the mail denoting your rank! Spaceman Splorf: Planet of Doom is available from Packrat Video Games on cartridge, along with a full-color manual, and professionally printed box, and is available in NTSC or PAL television formats.

Brian Matherne

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