Blagger was one of my favourite games of last year and, as it also
proved popular with others, Alligata has brought out a sequel.
The storyline is to some extent the same as in Blagger except that
there is a slight twist.
Here, rather than finding money by collecting keys, the
purpose is to find a route around the complex National Security
Headquarters. There are still keys to find and collect but these
are incidental to the mental activity of working out a safe route.
The twist is that unlike normal ladders and levels games, in this
one you are only allowed to see a small section of the building at
any one time. You have to build up your mental maps and then
try them out by trial and error.
There are a number of passive and active guards within the
building, ranging from moving floors to killer owls. My
particular favourite is the deadly vegetables but then I never did
eat my greens as a little boy. A hit.