Soccer '86

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Loriciels
Machine: Amstrad CPC464

Published in Computer & Video Games #59

Soccer '86

France may have been one of the best sides in the recent World Cup - but this soccer simulation from the other side of the channel leaves a lot to be desired. You only get four teams to choose from, game control is decidedly dodgy, scrolling is jerky and it's much too easy to score.

The look of the game is similar to Match Day/International Soccer. The teams run across the screen - but you have to wait for the scrolling to catch up with your player if you move to the side of the screen to fast for the machine!

The graphics are chunky and the sound pretty average. Not the best soccer simulation on the market. Definitely well offside, Saint!

Other Reviews Of Soccer '86 For The Amstrad CPC464

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