Personal Computer Games


Categories: Review: Software
Author: SC
Publisher: Beebug
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Personal Computer Games #10


Snorter is an original and challenging game with slight similarities to Pengi. You find yourself in a walled-in enclosure. Piles of blue bricks lie on the ground and in another part of the maze a snake is wriggling towards you.

As in Pengi, you must slide the blue bricks across the floor and trap or crush the snake. Don't rejoice too soon, however, as other snakes are appearing all the time and you don't have unlimited time to deal with them.

As soon as you've despatched the required number of reptiles, the screen clears and you find yourself in another enclosure with - yes, you guessed - more snakes and fewer blue bricks to bash them with.


The snakes grow a little more intelligent and a little more determined in each level. You have three lives, but lose one each time you bump into a reptile's head. At the higher levels they become a real menace and you have to move very fast.

As you play your energy is constantly depleting and at first I found I had only just enough time to despatch the snakes in each screen. Once you get more skilled you can start developing fancy tactics, trapping the snakes in separate parts of the maze and then knocking them off two or three at a time.

Snorter is another in the long and honourable tradition of noisy BBC games but you can turn off the sound if it drives you mad (which it probably will).

The graphics are a little crude but the action is fast and becomes really testing at the higher levels.


Other Reviews Of Snorter For The BBC Model B

Snakes And Fences

Snorter (Beebugsoft)
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