ZX Computing


Categories: Review: Software
Author: Steve Corton
Publisher: Visions
Machine: Spectrum 16K/48K

Published in ZX Computing #39


This tape is a progression from the now 'old hat' pool arcade and computer game. This version is written for 16K or 48K Spectrum.

This program has been written to follow the rules of snooker exactly. It is a one or two player game and as one player you have to try and better your score. There is on-screen scoring at all times and you are constantly reminded of how many shots and foul points you have accumulated so far.

After loading, the program automatically checks to see if a Kempston joystick is attached and if negative you can then use either of the three keyboard cursor controls, i.e. eight directional keys around the S key or H key, or the usual cursor control keys with the S, h and G keys respectively to fire.


You are then given the choice of a one or two player game and whether you want a fifteen ball game or not. You then place the white ball within the D on the table and play starts.

When cueing you not ony have control over the power of your shot, but you can also control the amount of side, bottom or top which is given to the cue ball which allows for a great amount of control for setting up your next shot. So after just one or two frames you will find that you are potting the balls in.

The precision and delicacy to place the customary cursor (+) sign is probably equal to playing a game on a full size table but, with practice, you learn which shots are possible. As the cursor tends to respond very quickly to the keyboard control I wonder if a slow cursor control would improve your game somewhat.


Sound effects are also included for both ball and cushion contact with another beep for a foul shot or for potting.

In all, a more enjoyable game than Pool but that just might be due to my preference for a real game of snooker to that of Pool. However, this program will probably appeal to an adult more than a child due to the speed differences between snooker and Pool.

I am not disappointed in the price of £6.95 being spent and I am sure that if you purchase this game you will find that you return to it quite frequently.

Steve Corton