When Snake Pit first starts the screen is full of eggs. You, the gobbler, are situated in the bottom right-hand corner. Eight snakes of assorted colours are placed in empty patches between the eggs. They cannot escape until a gap is made in the wall of eggs. There is one other snake though that is free to move right from the word 'go' - the red snake. It has the ability to eat any egg and, of course, you too.
As soon as the other snakes are free, they too will attempt to catch you, and devour you.
Your aim at this stage is to stay alive and eat as many eggs as possible. If you manage this then stage two commences - this time is your turn to eat the snakes by biting their tails. If you have no success at this stage then the game re-starts.
Again, the game is fun but a little unoriginal. For some reason only one life is allowed, which results in rather an abrupt end to the game.
A reasonably simple but also quite addictive game, but one that can be frustrating at the same time.