A&B Computing

Snake Pit

Publisher: Postern
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in A&B Computing 1.06

This one is pretty addictive. You don't want to try again, you can't stand the thought of possible failure... but you still go ahead and press the S key.

The game is straightforward and it takes only a few moments to master the controls. These are the standard Z, X, : and / keys for horizontal and vertical movement. The gobbler which you control has an insatiable appetite for eggs and for each one he devours you get 10 points. Meanwhile your success is threatened by the red snake which roams free, eating eggs and consequently allowing its fellow reptiles to escape. All these snakes can gobble the gobbler so watch out.

When the gobbler does succeed in chomping all the eggs, the game speeds up and phase two begins. Now comes the chance for revenge. At this stage the gobbler can latch onto the tail of a snake and eat its way up to the head. It sounds gory but looks pretty clinical in the high-res graphics used here. 200 points are earned for each snake. Now, having eaten all the snakes you press S and the hissing starts again. This time you are in the new higher speed of phase two.

For this type of arcade game the graphics need to be clear and colourful and the sounds original and appropriate. In the first department, Postern have produced an attractive and lively screen presentation. The snakes are luridly coloured and coil about pretty smoothly. Unfortunately, the sound is another matter. What I assume is supposed to be hissing sounds more like two bits of sandpaper being ground together. It might be nice if we were given the option to turn this down, or even off.

All in all then, an entertaining arcade type game. I'll just have one more go.