Skate Wars

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Ubisoft
Machine: Amstrad CPC464/664/6128

Published in Computer & Video Games #107

Skate Wars

It's future sports time again! Here we have Ubisoft's interpretation of what we'll all be playing to while away our time during the next century.

The amount of players on the Skate Wars pitch was been reduced to two (so much for team work!) with one player guarding the goal while the other attacks, or defends as the case may be. Skate Wars is definitely a contact sport and as our robot player heroes are on skates (surprise, surprise!) there's plenty of barging and knocking the other players over!

Skate Wars is a playable little gem that's even more fun with two players. Take a peek at your nearest software emporium and see if you like it.


Ubisoft have very nearly come up trumps with a rapid, smooth future sport that should keep you entertained during those rainy Sundays.

Other Reviews Of Skate Wars For The Amstrad CPC464/664/6128

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