Sigma Seven
What happens when one of those robotised factories that floats around in space is no longer needed? After all, a man in Earth Head Office can hardly reach out to an instrument panel and press an 'off' button... for one thing the factories are over 100,000 light years away. Worse still, they were constructed with an in-built protection system, designed specifically to stop rival companies shutting them down.
No, the only way companies can silence these obsolete hulks is by employing men like you (a freelance Robot Factory Deactivator) to roam the Universe in your compact space fighter, shutting these installations down as it becomes necessary.
Deactivating a factory involves the completion of three different tasks. First, the factory's automatic defence system has to be negotiated. The screen scrolls diagonally as the fighter approaches the factory and defensive mines home in kamikaze-style in an attempt to destroy what they consider to be a hostile intruder. There are three back-up craft, one of which is lost if these mines strike home. The fighter can move left and right to avoid the onslaught, and shoot bursts of laser fire which destroy the mines on contact. Travelling far enough into the defence system brings you to the factory where the fighter automatically lands.
The next task involves clearing the factory floor of 'power dots' using the remote control drone made available for the job. The screen displays a 3D forced perspective view of the factory's interior which scrolls as the drone moves along the power dot filled tracks.
Your craft can't fall off the path, but crashing into one of the drones trundling around the maze-like system of tracks loses another reserve craft. The dots are picked up by travelling over them, and when enough are cleared a display at te top left of the screen flashes white. The drone can then be moved to either end of the factory to complete the screen.
During the clearing period some of the dots are impossible to pick up - and the remaining dots form a pattern which must be remembered if the third and final stage is to be completed. A panel appears containing a series of buttons. Using these, the pattern revealed in the previous stage must be recreated. This is achieved by bouncing a suspended ball on the correct buttons. This task is made more difficult by a defence force field which slowly follows your movements across the slab - if the ball is dropped onto a button guarded by a force field, another craft is lost. A button can only be activated if it is flashing yellow - if it flashes any other colour the ball has no effect.
When this puzzle is negotiated and the correct pattern inserted, the factory is considered shut down. Bonus points are awarded and you are automatically moved on to the next, more hazardous factory. The action continues in this fashion until your supply of ships runs out.
As a whole Sigma Seven isn't too bad. The three sections are graphically and aurally competent, and although lacking depth they are quite playable. I found the Zaxxon stage rather dull after a few games, but I do like the scrolling Pac Man variant and the arcade puzzle - most compelling.
Far from outstanding and a mite expensive, but generally fun and worth a look.
Sigma Seven combines three completely different game formats: a Zaxxon-style shoot-'em-up, a sort of scrolling Pac Man and an arcade puzzle. The result is an enjoyable little game. Graphically this is quite neat with some nice touches, like the starfields which scroll by on the first stage.
It's pretty reasonable in the sound department too. The only problem is in the game itself. The three sections might be diverse, but going through them again and again does become a little repetitive as there's no real change in the action - it just speeds up and the robots get busier.
Still, for a tenner it isn't too bad.
I really like this - it has three neat mini-games, all of which are very playable and addictive. My personal favourite is the second section which is a cross between a scrolling Pac Man and a shoot-'em-up.
The other two sections aren't quite as good but are equally challenging and enjoyable to play. The graphics are really crisp and clear with a beautiful starry backdrop on the Zaxxon stage an some neat sprites on the second section.
Sound is good too, it's not amazing but suits the game well and adds atmosphere to the action. Sigma Seven is a trifle expensive, but if you're after a varied and addictive multi-screen arcade game then give it some consideration.
Presentation 83%
Keyboard or joystick option and good in-game presentation.
Graphics 79%
Nothing innovative but the backdrops and sprites are crisp, clear and well designed.
Sound 70%
Bearable tune and suitable sound effects.
Hookability 81%
Three interesting and diverse stages give plenty of entertainment.
Lastability 65%
The action gets a mite repetitive - it also gets rather hard.
Value For Money 64%
A bit on the pricey side, but a worthy enough purchase.
Overall 70%
An unusual, competent three-stage arcade game.
Other Reviews Of Sigma 7 For The Commodore 64
Sigma Seven (Durell)
A review
Sigma 7 (Durell)
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