Shear Panic

Publisher: Channel 8
Machine: Commodore Vic 20

Published in Computer & Video Games #33

Shear Panic

Picture the scene - a peaceful English country garden with some nice blooms draped neatly up the walls. Suddenly, these seemingly innocent flowers burst into life and attempt to cover the entire garden with writhing greenery!

Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to cut down the rampant flowers and restore the garden to normality. You are armed with a trusty pair of garden shears and have to trust to your luck to survive!

A nice touch is the "growth rate" feature. If you allow the flowers to grow too fast by not moving around quickly enough with the shears, your gardener's weapon will explode! (The mind boggles!) There is a high-score readout and extra life feature and you get one new pair of shears if you manage to reach 5,000 points.

However, for the underprivileged Vic, it's a nice addition to the dwindling range of new games.