Just when you thought it was safe to go in the sea again, Romik
introduces Shark Attack.
You must surround sharks with a continuous net, to prevent them
eating you, or the octopuses. If a shark eats an octopus, it can
eat the net and this creates a bit of bother.
Three skill levels are provided, and the cassette mentions that the
game works with Kempston or Sinclair joysticks. Sinclair joysticks?
Does Romik know something we don't know?
When the sharks finally finish you off, you are asked to enter
your initials for the Hall of Fame; however, to do so, you are asked
to use the fire button. What fire button? Until this stage there is
no mention of a fire button.
Is this a casualty of the Christmas rush, where subroutines are
lifted wholesale from previous efforts and simply tacked on?
Pretty poor and unprofessional if you ask me!
Despite the underwater setting, this game is too derivative to
excite even the most unjaded of palates.
Try throwing yourself on the sharks for a change; the graphics
and sound effects for a 'kill' are quite good!