Home Computing Weekly


Author: R.E.
Publisher: Widgit
Machine: Spectrum 16K

Published in Home Computing Weekly #13

An excellent set of three programs, Shape-sort, Houses and Size Sort, all of which use colour, sound and graphics to produce an interesting exercise in basic perceptual skills for young children aged two upwards.

All three programs loaded first time, gave brief but adequate instructions, were suitably simple to use, and well error trapped.

Shape Sort displays four different shapes at the top of the screen, and in the middle of the screen is the shape which has to be matched. The child moves the shape along by pressing the space key.

Houses shows four houses, one of which is slightly different. A car is drawn and has to be moved to the odd one out (keys are the same for all programs). When the correct house has been chosen a "lady" runs from the house to the car and drives off. Two levels of difficulty are supplied.

In Size Sort five objects are displayed and have to be selected in order of size, largest first.

These programs will be of great value to young children - but as well as using three-dimensional shapes and objects, not in place of!


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  • Chemal Front Cover
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  • Lojix Front Cover
  • Identikit Front Cover
  • Primary Arithmetic Front Cover
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  • Integration Front Cover