Big K

Sentinel, Avenger, Proteus & Fireflash

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Abacus
Machine: Spectrum 16K/48K/Plus/128K

Published in Big K #11

Abacus Games

Software is being packaged more and more like lager. This one's a cut-price four pack from Abacus, and works out at about half normal Spectrum price. Furthermore, two of the cassettes have an extra bonus game on the other side. So clearly the problem isn't the quantity offered here, but what about the quality? I have to say that, unfortunately, these aren't the most stunning games in the universe.


Sentinel is a sort of Asteroids variant; your ship can be rotated left and right, or thrust applied. You must avoid obstacles, such as your own space station, or the asteroids and aliens. The object is to stop the aliens before they take out the space station.


Fireflash is a sort of Missile Command scenario, but rather fiddly and overcomplicated. You have to fire defence missiles to stop the alien invaders reaching your planetary surface.


Proteus is a real-time Star Trek. You move from quadrant to quadrant of the galaxy, clearing the route of alien craft to allow your battle fleet to pass. I thought this much the best of the four - it gives the player plenty to do.


Finally, Avenger is a kind of sub-scramble, and has you flying over an alien landscape, taking out fuel dumps and other installations on the way. You have to watch out for nuclear reactors though, in case you go up in a rather spectacular mushroom cloud. On the reverse of Fireflash is Destroyer, a rather simple-minded naval game, and Proteus has Android Pit Rescue on its flipside which has you moving from level to level of a collapsed pit rescuing trapped miners.

It's unfair to criticise these latter two, as they are both included as a free bonus. However, I thought the four main programs could have been better, especially at the price of £14.95. The graphics are rather tacky-looking, and although the game designs differ in many ways from the arcade originals, the changes, to my mind, actually detract from the playability rather than increase it.

I'm carping a bit though. After all, these are games, they are playable and they are cheap. Possibly a good stocking filler.