Big K

Sea Quest

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Dragon Data
Machine: Dragon 32

Published in Big K #6

Sea Quest

Maddening. I mean, an apparently uncomplicated and straightforward adventure with a limited vocabulary and graphics that, although unspectacular, are at least quick, clear and pleasingly functional. It is quite frankly an utter doddle to work your way through the first 20% of this thing.

Then what? Quite clearly, there's some large treasure hoard somewhere (though, actually you're never actually told as much). Equally clearly, you're expected to explore underwater at some point. Try it, however, and you end up in a wooden box (though not, disappointingly, in Davy Jones' Locker).

So where's the aqualung, then?

Sea Quest

I've looked everywhere. Examined everything. Tried every conceivable combination of object and command in every location I can find. Not one single flicker of further possibility. All of which I'd put down to my own experience or my own lack of imagination were it not for one thing. It's either a howler of a bug or an extremely shoddy piece of writing but it's driving me mad.

At the initial location, there are two 'obvious directions' but the game will only let you go in one of them. As this is one of two directions along the beach (from which all the rest of the adventure seems to flow) it's reasonable to assume that the things you need are down there somewhere. But you can't go that way!

Apart from running round in circles, the only other option is to drown yourself.

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