Sinclair User
16th November 1985
Categories: Review: Software
Author: Theo Wood
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3
Published in Sinclair User #46
Screenshot Series
Compilations are a good way of maximising profits for a publishing company. Titles can be re-released in bundles and packaged to attract a new audience.
Dorling Kindersley has now published compilations of its screenshot books. The Screenshot Starter Pack For The Spectrum Plus is designed to help the beginner and comes with book one and two of the series, together with a typing tutor. The two books take the beginner through all the main commands together with simple routines which can be used elsewhere. There have been a great many books published for the beginner, but these books are among the best, due to the fact that each routine is illustrated in full colour with its appropriate screenshot.
The typing tutor is pretty standard, beginning with the home keys on the keyboard and training you both in accuracy and timing.
The Screen Shot Graphics Pack follows the same format with ample illustration and explanation of what each program does. Using DATA statements incorporating machine code instructions, some very fine results can be obtained. Book three covers lines, circles and filling shapes while book four moves on to sprites. There is a library of sprite shapes which can be used.
The accompanying tape demonstrates all the routines, together with technical details. There is a simple graphics editor and a sprite editor.
I would recommend both packs either for the beginner or the more advanced programmer as the routines can be used easily in other programs. The quality of layout and illustration is an added incentive.
There is only one quibble and that is the price - most compilations tend to work out cheaper than the original publications, but these don't. They do, however, make attractive gift packages as an all-in-one box.
Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3 VersionOverall | 80% |