In the fast-moving machine-code game, you must fly your fighter/bombers into an enemy
underground silo and destroy weaponry and stores. Control is via keyboard or joystick.
Missiles are sent up in attack, but you are armed with a forward-firing cannon and also
have a bomb load to use. Low-level attack is recommended so as to shoot ground reserves
and to accurately place the bombs (dispersed with the space bar).
Hitting an enemy missile worth 50 points (20 if it is still on the ground), fuel base -
100 and moon bases are worth between 100-300. A further 10 points are added for each
mile you penetrate the silo.
The graphics, colour and instructions are excellent, but the sound effects are spoilt by
a monotonous fanfare. Two further gripes are that it takes two keyboard entries (F1 and C)
to restart the game, and there is no high score record kept.
But overall, a first-rate version of a popular game.