Computer Gamer

SAS Operation Thunderflash

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Super Sparklers
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Computer Gamer #23

SAS: Operation Thunderflash

You play Rock Hardman who leads a single-handed embassy assault to rescue the hostages in a game promising "excellent 3D graphics" and "outstanding gameplay". Unfortunately, it has neither.

The graphics are wooden and the gameplay is so restricted that our SAS hero can only move and fire in four directions. The result is ridiculous, as Rock and a terrorist can stand next to each other and still can't shoot each other. Once you solve that problem you've only got 49 rooms to go. I doubt you'll bother.

Other Reviews Of SAS: Operation Thunderflash For The Spectrum 48K

S.A.S. Operation Thunderflash (Creative Sparks)
A review by Ben Stone (Crash)

SAS: Operation Thunderflash!! (Sparklers)
A review by Tony Hetherington (Your Sinclair)

SAS Operation Thunderflash (Super Sparklers)
A review by Graham Taylor (Sinclair User)