This is really two games in one. The screen represents a compound
in which randomly placed boxes of ammunition are kept; a saboteur
tries to blow up as many as he can, while a guard tries to prevent
You can be either participant. The games are quite different to play.
As the guard, you either trap the saboteur (he can't get near you),
or guess where he is going; he will make for where he can do the
most damage.
If you get there first, he is stymied and will eventually blow up in
frustration (not very subtle, this saboteur). But if you guess
wrong, his mission will be successful.
Being the Saboteur himself is a bit more difficult; you have to
choose where to put your charge, lay it and get away without blowing
yourself up or being caught by the guard, who, in this version of the
game, has a gun and can shoot you. But this version is actually
more interesting.
The game loads and runs smoothly, with no snags. The graphics are
adequate - that is, they slow clearly what is happening - if not
particularly inspired, though the chain-reaction effect of boxes
detonating is pleasing.