1st April 1984
Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Atarisoft
Machine: Commodore 64
Published in Computer & Video Games #30
Robotron 2084
I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes! I had always considered a good version of Robotron on a home computer absolutely impossible. But Atari have worked what can only be called a miracle on the Commodore 64.
Atari have bounced back after a disastrous year when they lost millions of pounds on their computers. They have made a very sensible decision to convert all their top games software to other micros. All the Atari titles like Pac-Man and Defender have not only survived the transfer to the C64 but are much improved because of it.
Robotron 2084 is set in the year 2084. A breed of free-thinking androids have rebelled against the human race, determined to utterly destroy their oppressors by programming them to turn into destructive mutants. As the only human immune to their programming, it's up to you to save the last few surviving human families.
Armed with an anti-robot laser, you must lay waste to armies of androids besieging your futuristic city or face the unthinkable prospect of total extinction of the human race.
You can fire and move in one of eight directions. But the direction of movement and firing is independent, so you move up the screen by firing left, right or downwards - just like the original.
Only a handful of human clones remain on Earth. You must touch as many as you can to place them under your protective powers, but you'll have to be careful because the Robotrons know of your existence and home in on you.
The attention to detail in the game is incredible and it's difficult to spot any difference between the graphics of the original arcade game and Atarisoft's version for the C64. Robotron incorporates nine levels of difficulty. Playing anything apart from level one is futile - unless you're Superman - it's so difficult.
The player can use one of two joystick options; either using one stick to move and fire or two separate ones for firing and moving your man. Robotron 2084 is a triumph and any one who claimed Atari were washed out and no longer a major force in computer software will certainly have to eat his words!
Robotron 2084 is manufactured by Atarisoft and is available from all Atari stockists for £19.99.