The Micro User

Revenge Of The Snowman

Published in The Micro User 7.11

Jon Perry and Pali Rao invite you to fight it out with Father Christmas


The time-honoured and traditional pastime of Santa - after delivering all his presents at Yuletide - is playing the Snowman at Advanced Noughts and Crosses. But this year everything just seemed to go wrong... After a particularly hard day, Santa was in a grumpy mood. After losing for the fourth time in a row, he jumped up, knocked over the board and accused the Snowman of cheating.

The Snowman protested his innocence but Santa would only be satisfied by a duel to settle the matter. They each went to one side of the cliffs of Arhey and, being very adept at magic, replicated themselves three times each. The magical images would then throw snowballs across the chasm - each image being destroyed by the slightest touch, but each side had the added protection of three magical shields which stopped oncoming snowballs.

Each side has five control keys, controlling a snowball's angle and velocity, the position of the image which will throw it, the shield and fire. However, you can't activate the shield while your own snowball is in the air.

Dare you take sides and fight for the honour of the Snowman? Or protect Santa from his own embarrassment? Only you - with a friend - can settle the issue.

Note: This is not a turn-based game. Start the fight at once!

Game Controls

Santa's Keys: A - Angle, S - Speed, TAB - Position, Z - Shield, CTRL - Fire

Snowman's Keys: ] - Angle, : - Speed, Cursor Up - Position, COPY - Shield, RETURN - Fire

Jon Perry & Pali Rao