
Renegade III

Author: Mark Caswell
Publisher: The Hit Squad
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3

Published in Crash #92

Renegade III: The Final Chapter

The third and final part of the Renegade trilogy takes us across time and space. It's a bit like a ninja Dr Who as the world's best martial artist goes off to save his girlie (yet again) from a race of evil aliens and certain death.

The aliens first take said girlie back to prehistoric times, so you battle huge prehistoric beasties and refugees from a Flintstones cartoon. Then it's onto Egypt and medieval times to fight hordes of attacking natives, but being such a cool dude it's simple to cut a swathe of ninja death.

Time is of the essence: take too long to complete a level and you become a permanent resident of that timezone. While the original Renegade set the pace, the sequels have followed it well. Though Renegade III's story is a bit bottom of the barrel, it's a really fast-paced, fun beat-'em-up with great graphics and playability. Cheap and cheerful, you'll be bashing with Renegade 3 for ages!

Mark Caswell

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