Big K


Publisher: Bug Byte
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Big K #7


Decidedly lightweight 'animated adventure' from the home of Boris the Bee. Rapcallion, the ugly rogue, had usurped your kingdom and incarcerated you within his dungeons. All seems lost until a passing fairy princess bestows the gift of transmutation upon you (as is their wont). Suddenly strange powers course through your veins. With barely a thought, you can become an eagle or a fly. Revenge will be yours! With a dull pop you take the guise of a bluebottle, and, er, fly.

There are three areas of play: the Wilderness, the Magic Labyrinth and the Castle, and each comprises several screens. However, this large pitch seems to have been turfed at the expense of such old-fashioned values as sound 'n vision. The graphics in particular are exceptionally crude. Real Legoland stuff. Obstacles are equally limp (frogs to eat the fly!)

It's possible they grow in stature once you penetrate the castle but who wants to stick around that long? Not many, I suspect.