Mean Machines Sega
1st June 1993
Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Sega
Machine: Sega Mega Drive (EU Version)
Published in Mean Machines Sega #9
The development of the mobile armoured attack suit was the biggest advance in war technology for a generation. These heavily protected and highly manoeuvrable weapons could take a single operative into the heart of an enemy battalion. The founding of a dedicated unit, skilled in using these devices, was inevitable: Witness, then, Ranger X!
Ranger X's hour of greatest glory, was the Earth's moment of greatest peril. Enemy forces from beyond the solar system had made a concerted attack, establishing ground and subterranean bases. Ranger X units were despatched, facing innumerable odds with only their remote control transport units. In the vaults, forests and skies, the future of the Mother planet hangs in the balance.
An original product, but the idea of mobile attack suits (Gundams or Valkens) have been big in Japan for years. Now Ranger X joins them.
How To Play
Guide the Ranger X through each level, using the radar to locate each boss. Destroy the attacking forces.
Special Weapon Variants
Projectiles which, when dropped, explode on contact, and travel in a wave, right or left. -
Intense burst of pressurised plasma. Causes excessive drain on power resources. -
Twin laser beams which rotate around the ship's axis, searching for a lock on target. Moderately powerful. -
Homing weapon. A squadron of exploding eagle cyborgs devastate a single enemy position. -
Small green beams shoot out, expanding into an enormous smart bomb effect! Yowzers.
Attack Suit Design
The attack suit has two weapon modes: a powerful repeater cannon, and the use of a specially attached weapon. The cannon is forward-fiting, and there are two fire buttons, which automatically reverse the direction of the Ranger suit. This means you may fire in a direction whilst retreating. The special weapon uses vast amounts of supplementary power, but has devastating effect.
Remote Control
The Ranger's back up unit is the Ex-Up. This ground unit matches the movements of the airborne Ranger X suit. Both units may be combined to a single piece, which has a homing cannon. Alternately, the Ranger suit may ride on top of the unit, taking it safely through hazards like acid.
Air Support
In the heavily foliated jungle theatre, extra firepower is lent by a floating attack craft, which has substantial laser armament. This follows the Ranger slowly, so hasty progress isn't recommended.
Flux And Convert
Blue convertors are easily identifiable, and lie strategically around each level. By using them, the special power reservoir is converted into shield energy. This is a useful way of bolstering a suit which has come under heavy attack. The potential for conversion is infinite.
Stage Preview
There are eight levels of intense blasting action in Ranger X, five of which we've decided to brief you with. You'll have to play the game itself to find out about the remaining three levels. Although we've completed the game, we're not going to give it all away.
Stage One
Ranger X takes a trip underground with the express intention of taking out the enemy power grid. Various generators are dotted around the level, which spew shrapnel when the good Ranger attacks them. Destroy them all to gain access to the boss' underground tunnel - depicted in some of the greatest parallax 3D to ever reach the Megadrive! -
Stage Two
Ranger X takes a trip underground with the express intention of taking out the enemy power grid. Various generators are dotted around the level, which spew shrapnel when the good Ranger attacks them. Destroy them all to gain access to the boss' underground tunnel - depicted in some of the greatest parallax 3D to ever reach the Megadrive! -
Stage Three
It's time for a trip to the woods - but not for a picnic! The alien legions have amassed more generators that must be destroyed! Only then can you progress to the lake and destroy the twisted crustacean that inhabits the murky depths! -
Stage Four
Ranger X arrives at the foot of an enormous skyscraper! Fly up, destroying the enemy, until you reach the very top of the building. Only then can you progress to the boss stage - a vast cityscape with a massive generator to destroy! Hurrah! -
Stage Five
By now, Ranger X's presence has been passed on to the authorities, who bring out the most devastating hardware with which to do him in! This city is a potential deathtrap, covered by laser-spewing meanies and robots thay stay behind you and fire no matter how fast you turn around! Aieeeee!
Controlled Thrusting
The vertical propulsion motor of the Ranger suit is effective and energy efficient. However, two principles govern it. Overheating causes the unit to cut out, which is caused by extended use. Secondly, strong inertial forces work on the suit, so delicate movements are advised.
One of the slickest, brashest and most action-packed blasters ever for the Megadrive, Ranger X is an assured smash-hit. The more I play, the more I appreciate a game of this quality, that has so many features, it should appeal to just about every Megadrive owner.
The idea of a mobile attack suit is very close to Konami's Cybernator (a Super NES game), but this has been executed even better. The levels are a mix of high-octane shooting, and subtle strategy. The intricacies of the cavern level, and using the remote units to their best advantage, even the most suitable special to employ, all add depth to straightforward destruction.
The graphics are superb in every aspect, as is the presentation. This has to be one of the best products out for the Megadrive. Get.
Oh yes! Ranger X ranks as one of the best-scrolling blasters out on the Megadrive, comparing well with the likes of Gynoug and Hellfire! The graphics are amazing, with some mega Mode 7-type graphic effects, stunning animation and fabulous level designs.
The explosions are amazing - they're utterly enormous, making the shoot-'em-up action even more intense and satisfying. But it's the gameplay that's the best thing. The range of weapons available is great and the back-up vehicles add to the destructive fest.
It's not easy to complete either. Getting through the first few levels takes you a fair while, and with the continues in short supply, the game keeps you coming back for more.
Ranger X is a fabulous game, well worth getting hold of, even if you aren't really into shoot-'em-ups.
Presentation 92%
P. A choice of play levels, and spookily atmospheric intro sequences.
N. A two-player alternate option would have been nice.
Graphics 94%
P. Excellent sprites and animation. Clever, imaginative choice of level backgrounds and layouts. Very smart to look at.
N. Some of the vector perspectives appear a little wonky.
Sound 83%
P. Excellent effects of destruction and computery beeps.
N. The in-game music is perhaps the other patchy element of the game. Pretty dull.
Playability 92%
P. Utterly brilliant gameplay, created by the wonderful handling of the craft, and the imaginative tasks set. Hook or what!
Lastability 91%
P. Nicely set difficulty level, and some of the stages are time-consuming, but absorbing. You'll play to the final.
N. You can waltz through some levels once tactics have been established.
Overall 92%
What a groovy game. Ranger X is impervious to just about every criticism, so getting it would be jolly sensible. A totally amazing blaster!