Good value, this one. Two programs for the price of one. The
first is Word: Here the computer selects a random word from its
memory and displays the appropriate clue. You are given a
time limit to respond with a letter, and if the answer is correct,
the letter is placed on the screen. Unlike Hangman, if there are
two letters the same only one is printed.
More points are scored the faster you complete the word.
One possible are of confusion is that the inlay card suggests the
software is suitable for all ages. This is misleading, as some of
the words are quite complex.
In Cross, the second program, the computer selects ten words
and sets them out in crossword fashion. The display is clear and
uncluttered, and clues are printed when the cursor is set at the
head of a word.
My only criticisms are that the cursor routine is slow to use,
and the provision to see the answers is obtained by pressing the
space bar, which can be done by accident while playing.
You can enter words of your own choice, and clear instructions are
provided to do this.