This program is a supremely funny, text-only adventure, written with the ubiquitous Quill. It is based on every major Spectrum game you could imageine and many famous TV shows as well.
You start off in Downing Street, travel through London and visit various places around the world. There is apparently little actual objective to the adventure, other than to enjoy yourself reading the superb text.
Here are a few examples to whet your appetite: the Pyeman (spot the deliberate spelling mistake!), a little pink guy with a long nose who's into maths and old clocks. Miner Wally and his NCB boots, explore the Wet Jet Silly mansion where you can find hints on various POKE's to alter the game. Valhalla, where arrows point out text and grammar.
Proland Prat Simplestar who lives in the sewer under the Breakfast TV studios. Helbourne Mouse, where you can visit the Goblin's dungeon: here Bard says: "The butler did it!" Elrond fixes some lunch and something drops from above and misses.
Visit the umpteenth Microfair at cold, wind-swept Ally Pally, where a well-known reviewer (T.N.) will try to sell you one of his books. See Vic 20s which require several RAM packs to hand a massive adventure comprising only "go North!".
As you can see there are numerous amusing locations and characters to meet, including: Soho, Baker St., Camelot castle, Dallas, Australia, meet Neil of 'The Young Ones', get chased by mutant BBCs saying "No such variable!" and many others.
Overall, an incredible game, a must for all experienced adventurers looking for some lighter entertainment, or confirmed TV addicts. The only objective I could see apears to be the need to rid Camden Town of Proland Prat, so possibly you may not want to repeatedly play this adventure. Otherwise, the contents really are superb, it certainly makes a pleasant change from the normal adventure.