Big K

Pyramid Painter

Publisher: Thor
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Big K #5

Pyramid Painter

Hah! You don't fool me. This is Q-Bert. Rather a crude Bert at that. Colour plays something of an active part here. Fact is it lights up the room like a disco and without sunglasses leaves you partially blind.

Q-Bert has fallen in love with the beautiful Princess Aran from Tapen. Before being given access to the hand of said lovely lady he must complete a task set for him by her father, King Eg. This task is the painting of the Great Pyramid of Vali. So you guessed already, huh? Of course there's the inevitable bouncing ball, bouncing from the top of the pyramid, more than capable of pancaking Bert like a frog in the road, and the Thin Man instead of a snake.

The overall impression is one of a game released before the finishing touches are added. It lacks the roundness of a quality game and the key responses aren't what they ought to be. Nevertheless it does have a certain addictive quality, carried over from the original idea, I suppose. But why would someone mind telling me, do the software houses continue to flood the market with copies of games already available?