"Munch", "scoff" and "pling" could well describe the action of this punctuation exercise
game, for children of eight years or above. The good sound and graphics of these
programs, using a continuously animated spherical "pacman" motif, promote good motivation
and concentration span, in the children using them.
In play, Punky the Good draws correct text on the screen, the commas, full stops and
capital letters of which are then rapidly consumed by the nasty green Nosher the Bad. The
child then must put the stolen punctuation back into the text, using the cursor control
The idea is a good one, but the examples of text consist of dreadful comic slang, that
even has incorrect punctuation - as all quotes and necessary apostrophes are missing (to
make things simpler?). Fortunately, teachers can easily insert their own correct text into
the DATA statements within the program.