Blast Annual

Pro Bowling

Author: Brian Matherne
Publisher: Edward A Smith
Machine: Atari 2600

Published in Blast Annual 2020 Volume 2

Pro Bowling

Larry Kaplan's Bowling game for the Atari VCS in 1979 was good for the time, but this new 2019 release will really bowl you over!

Edward set out to program a better bowling game (this time) for the Atari 2600. The final product is Edward's third installment in his "2600 Sports Series" called Pro Bowling! The label and manual were designed and created by Michael Thomasson of Good Deal Games. All cartridges are manufactured and currently sold by Good Deal Games: Homebrew Heaven. This title is currently sold for $24.75 (cartridge only). A version of Pro Bowling has been made to work on the Atari Flashback Portable too.

The bowler has the option of a male or female player on the screen with the use of the TV Type switch. Move the joystick to position the bowler where desired on the alley, then push up to start the approach. Press the fire button to release the ball down the alley. Depending where the meter is when you press the button, determines the shot.

The meter, along the bottom of the screen, grows in color yellow first and then in green. Yellow is spin to the right and green is spin to the left. The weaker or stronger is based on how much of the color is shown on the meter when the button is pressed.

Brian Matherne

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