1st August 1985
Author: Michelle Ball
Publisher: Broderbund
Machine: Apple II
Published in Apple User Volume 5 Number 8
Print Shop
The Print Shop is a new program from America, published by Broderbund Software. With a few keystrokes it allows you to turn your Apple computer into your own personal print shop.
As soon as you boot the disc, a main menu is presented. From here you can take any of the six choices available but first you must specify what printer and interface card you are using.
This may be your first problem if you are using either a printer or interface card the program does not recognise. Most popular printers and interfaces are supported and I know it recognises the Blackboard interface as Epson.
Once the printer setup is saved to disc, you are ready to start printing. If you happen to make any mistakes the Esc key will return you to your previous screen, making it almost foolproof. The program is so easy to use that you need not have used a computer before in your life.
Print Shop lets you combine graphics already on the disc with eight text fonts to produce greetings cards, banners, signs, letterheads and something called screen magic, which is a system of writing text on a high resolution animated screen.
The last choice on the main menu is an interesting graphics editor which lets you use your keyboard or joystick to draw, design or even play with any of the 60 graphics already available on the disc.
You can also give yourself credit, if you choose to do a greetings card. Once you're ready to print your work, you can send as many copies to the printer as you like, but the default is 1.
Halfway through the printing stage, the printer will stop to "think". Don't worry, when it has finished it will allow you to go back to the main menu.
The Print Shop is a fun and easy way to enjoy printing using your computer. I enjoy using it very much and recommend it to anybody.