Based on a horror novel by designer Alf Yngve, this spooky game sees detective Innis Garris (Homicide Squad at Precinct 20) investigating several weird events in the city.
Created using the Shoot 'Em Up Construction Kit (SEUCK), the enhancements by Martin Piper and Richard Bayliss allow this horizontally-scrolling game to be non-linear with pathways shown
by arrows. Shops can be entered to upgrade the detective's main weapon (which starts as a torch with limited range). His remaining
energy is shown by a skull in the lower border that gradually gets more bloody. Helping create the atmosphere are the well-drawn
graphics (including large character sprites) and moody music composed by Richard Bayliss. Text screens at the start and end
of the game emphasise the story, with the game split into two separately loaded parts; a password must be obtained from part 1
to unlock part 2 and the different endings. At first the game is very tough as you get used to the torch and the branching paths. The
story is compelling and the atmosphere works really well to keep you playing.
All in all, a very unusual and well-designed game that breaks the barriers of what is possible with SEUCK.