Play Logo is an introduction to Logo for parents and children alike and is a simple jumping-off point which enables users to get started quickly and easily. It should be pointed out that Play Logo has been written around the Atari Logo and Commodore 64 versions and, although there is a conversion table at the back of the book and the various Logos are by and large compatible, it does mean that the machine commands and layout tend to be different. Bearing this in mind the reader may then approach the subject with necessary caution. A child alone with this book and a BBC Micro would probably become confused because of references, for example, to CAPS/Lowr and DELETE Back S keys. Nonetheless with parental guidance there are no major problems.
The book itself is excellent, both in design and in the way the subject is presented. Keystrokes are clearly planned out and it is unlikely that a child would be able to misinterpret the commands in the early stages because the author is at great pains to make sure that all goes well.
Fundamental primitives are dealt with in small groups with test problems and exercises to check that the child knows what he is doing. As the book progresses, so the child is introduced to simple procedures, how to write them, incorporate them into other procedures and how to edit them. The logic of the procedures is explained by comparison with everyday tasks.
The author obviously uses the Logo language regularly with children because ideas have been included that might not at first sight seem necessary, but have obviously caused some problems when he used the language with classes.
Variables, colour and even sound are dealt with - although the author does not think much to the BBC's capabilities in this line because of the complexity of the Sound and Envelope commands.
Finally, a glossary and reading list as well as a conversion chart for primitives in various versions is included.