One of the best things about the Spectrum is that it's hereditary. Parents pass them on to their kids just like their big noses, embarrassing birth-marks and smelly feet! So what better introduction to the world of computing than a simple tutorial concerning the keyboard? After all the Spectrum doesn't consist solely of the Return button, Load " and Enter.
There are four programs on the tape; Alphabet Book, Snap, Spell It and Count 'Em. The first is basically an electronic ABC book, utilizing bright, colourful pictures and animations. Many of which can be played again and again without reloading by pressing the diagram's corresponding letter. The second is a version of a classic card game, while the third uses all the pictures in the collection and asks the child to enter the corresponding number to the pictures displayed. The final game is a basic letter understanding test which involves children reproducing the letters of a word underneath the ones displayed on the screen. Later they must spell the words completely unaided.
This collection is a worthy attempt at language, letter and number association games. However, it's only for the very young and it's doubtful that babies of that age will pay much attention to a program like this. They'd be just as interested in seeing how many times they could press the reset button before the machine broke!
Label: Triple R Education
Memory: 48K/128K
Price: £12.95 Tape
Reviewer: Steve Keen