A machine-code game played in a 3-dimensional maze.
You can choose easy or hard mazes and three speeds for the phantoms. The maze varies each time but there are always three phantoms lurking in it - except in the training maze, which has no phantoms at all.
Phantoms always know where you are and try to reach you by the most direct path. You can defend yourself against them, but at least three hits are needed before they die.
However, only one touch from a phantom kills you and heralds the end of a game at which time score is displayed. You score two for a hit and 10 for a kill, and with each kill you get the chance to see the maze from above.
An audio tone warns of nearby phantoms. There is an escape hatch shown by a green square, but in all the games I played I only found it once.
This game doesn't give you a fighting chance - the odds are on the phantom every time. He only needs one shot, while you must hit him at least three times. He also has a nasty habit of sneaking up behind you and shooting you in the back.