
Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: CDS
Machine: Spectrum 16K

Published in Computer & Video Games #24


Your task in this game is to steer the dashing dauber through a maze painting it as he does. If the maze was drawn in anything like true 3D then the game could be very popular - unfortunately, it's not.

The mazes themselves are drawn in two dimensions but have shadows behind them to resemble 3D. Unfortunately this idea does not work too well. There are some marvellous 3D paths produced by the method but the painter simply wanders round the outside.

There are four mazes in all to complete. I managed the first one after about five minutes but assumed that the other three would be harder. I was mistaken. I managed to clear all four mazes after about ten minutes play and the game then had no further appeal to me.

The game uses no high resolution graphics, the man is badly animated and drawn. You are pursued by a single ghost who appears to have absolutely no intelligence at all. He often comes speeding straight towards you and then goes off in a totally different direction.

This game from CDS Microsystems runs on a Spectrum 16K. It's not a program which I would spend my hard-earned cash on but if you want to see for yourself then it'll cost you £5.95.