The Micro User
1st June 1983
Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Software Invasion
Machine: BBC B/B+/Master 128
Published in The Micro User 1.04
TEXTPRO This simple text editor written in Basic uses text Mode 3 with black letters on a yellow background.
This mode is difficult enough to see on a monochrome TV, and near impossible on a colour one.
It can only handle a maximum of 60 lines of text, which might suffice for letters but not for War and Peace.
The function keys are used to enter commands. The program is supplied with a "command strip" which is placed under the clear plastic bar next to function keys to act at a prompt.
This is one practice which I hope becomes much more widespread.
The commands available allow you to LOAD and SAVE the text, JUSTIFY, INSERT and DELETE a line, PRINT and move text up and down.
BLACKJACK This tape version of the well known card game is written mainly in Basic, with one machine code call.
The cards displayed by the program are very realistic indeed, especially the Royal cards.
It is a pity that the game is rather disappointing. This is partly due to the inherent limitations of the game itself, and partly to the lack of variation in the computer's responses.
This version will not run on a disc system without being moved down in memory, as Mode 1 is used to draw the cards on the screen. If only the rest of the game had matched the card display!
DISASSEMBLER This is a very simple disassembler written in Basic. Apart from using the function keys and having a "command strip", there is nothing special about it. There are more useful disassemblers, having more features, listed in computer magazines.
The vendors describe these programs as one of "four brilliant new software tapes". That is greatly over stating the case for this tape.
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