Big K


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Paramount
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Big K #4


In Outback, I was 'Big Roo', a mega kangaroo who had to protect a nest of bijou kangas from being bagged by swag-men. In th first stages of the game the swaggers drop from balloons. The next swarm are dropped from parachutes, and the final wave pop ouot of the hillside.

I valiantly defended my young 'uns, but found my movements infuriatingly limited. I was confined to bouncing up and down at one side of the screen, taking pot shots. Also, there was a crucial spot just before the blaggers landed where my shots had no effect for no apparent reason.

The graphics were very cutesy, and the squeals uttered by the young kangaroos when bagged were almost heart-rending. However, this game did not turn my crank. It did not catch me in that fatal combination of challenge and frustration that prevents you from putting a game down. This kangaroo didn't tie me down, sport.

Other Reviews Of Outback For The Commodore 64

Outback (Paramount)
A review by D.C. (Home Computing Weekly)

Outback (Paramount)
A review by SC (Personal Computer Games)

Outback 64 (Paramount)
A review