Here's a game for the ornithologists and conservationists among our readers. It's already available for the Beeb, so you might well have seen Osprey! at school.
The basic idea of the program - which is more of a strategy game than anything else - is to help protect and increase the breeding pairs of ospreys at their only nesting site in this country, Loch Garten in Scotland.
You are told - each season - how many people you have to work at protecting the birds. You have to allocate your team to jobs like nest watching to prevent egg stealers sneaking in and stealing eggs, working at the site or informing the public about the osprey and their fight for survival. The way to utilise your resources reflects on the success of the ospreys breeding.
Overall, a nice game - sort of educational - but don't let that put you off. You get a really nice booklet telling you all about ospreys with the package too!