Big K


Publisher: K-Tel
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Big K #5


In the first game I got three lives. The second very generously coughed up seven without giving any real indication of why! Such minor inconsistencies aside, the game was good. Don't think, just shoot: fast and from the hip. Move slower than a cat with its tail on fire and you're dead. Don't even worry about where, you'll hit something.

The first screen is a variation on Space Invaders. Weird but definitely menacing objects with an uncanny resemblance to Jelly Tots parade across the top of the screen dropping bombs. A 'Robo Crab' patrols the bottom half of the screen. When Guardian Pests start to form a pincer movement from the side, desperation turns to sheer panic.

Clear screen one and the scene changes. An egg wanders around the screen with four Robo Crabs circling it. You need five consecutive hits on the egg without being hit by a stun bomb. Not easy. Just when you're getting a taste for blood, probably green, you notice that your score is falling fast. Panic rises proportionally.

Odyssey seems to be a cassette full of just about every alien-zapping game known to man and alien alike. There are five screens, each one vastly different from the rest. I must confess to being confused about how many lives I had. Sometimes it was three and in other games I counted as many as seven, but in spite of this it definitely works. I only hope I can explain away all these dead aliens to the cleaners.