Total Game Boy

Oddworld Adventures II

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: GT Interactive
Machine: Game Boy Color

Published in Total Game Boy Issue 05

He natters, he parts - in fact he's just like you or me!

Oddworld Adventures II

The original Game Boy Color version of Oddworld Adventures was a fun game but in the end it was a little disappointing because it didn't make full use of the Game Boy Color's... well, colour! That's all changed or the sequel though because for Oddworld Adventures II, GT Interactive has outdone itself by stretching the Game Boy Color's capabilities to the limit!

Quite simply, Oddworld Adventures II is a beautiful-looking game. The graphics are large, colourful and incredibly detailed, particularly when you consider the size of the screen. The control system is extremely responsive and there is a range of weird and wonderful characters to meet, greet to do away with!

The story behind the game is fairly simple: having managed to survive his previous adventure Abe is now out to rescue yet more of his fellow Mudokens. They are all being forced to work in a factory producing a new Glukkon product called Soulstorm Brew, the contents of which... well, let's just say that our hero Abe is not happy about what goes into this gloopy stuff!

Oddworld Adventures 2

Of course, it goes without saying that the Glukkon management aren't going to let Abe ruin their business without a fight and they've got a whole heap of Slig guards armed and ready to take him on.

As in the first game, a large part of the gameplay in Oddworld Adventures II involves solving puzzles and a lot of these require Abe to communicate. Communication is achieved via a combination of the Select button and various directions on the D-pad and Abe burps and whistles merrily to each new creature that he meets... oh and he farts too - pretty toxic ones at that!

Several puzzles require you to utilise the talents of different creatures and you do this by possessing them using Abe's chant. At this point control switches to the new character and for a short duration you play as them - until they meet their demise at which point control switches back to Abe.

Oddworld Adventures 2

Oddworld Adventures II is a superb Game Boy Color game that's practically impossible to fault and, as such, it's one that's setting the standard for future titles. If you have a Game Boy Color then make sure you add this to your collection now!

Second Opinion

Wow! Abe on the Game Boy. What a conversion. I've had a tinker on it for a couple of hours and it rocks. All the ingredients that made the original console versions such a blast to play, i.e. puzzles, little minions who sit patiently at your beck and call ready to die... Sorry, aid your progression through the levels are present and correct. In retrospect, it's ideal fodder with all the side-scrolling platform action, brain-fuddling puzzles and immense fun factor.

You'll be there for hours helping Abe on his quest. He's such a cute little fella, too! A resounding thumbs up.

Portal Power

Oddworld Adventures 2

With Oddworld Adventures II, GT Interactive has even given the screen depth! Use one of the portals that you'll find scattered around all over the place and you can move back into the screen to other parts of the level. Talk about making the most of limited screen-space!


Graphics 100%
Small but perfect.

Sound 80%
Abe talks! Kind of...

Oddworld Adventures 2

Playability 100%
It'll keep you coming back!

Lastability 80%
Abe's charms are addictive.

Overall 95%
This game was made for Game Boy Color.