Home Computing Weekly

'O' Level Maths

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Softi
Machine: TI99/4A

Published in Home Computing Weekly #102

It was difficult to assess this program fairly, as slack programming occasionally leads to the presentation of odd questions with peculiar equations.

Essentially this is an 'O' level maths revision test, with two passes being made through a series of questions spanning a number of topics in that subject. Calculators may not be used, but trigonometric tables are permitted. The sparse documentation does not say whether tables of logarithms or, the staple of exams, the slide rule, are also allowed. Despite some minor criticisms - the $ symbol could have been redefined to £ - the program achieves its aim.

It has been seven years since I practised much of the maths here, and some of it wasn't even taught in my day, but I still managed to score about 38% on both passes without preparation. Perhaps parents might be persuaded to try their hand. Many of the questions test, not so much your ability to calculate, but rather your understanding of the question Itself and of the subject.

For the price I found this good value for money and of use to the teenager who wishes to revise at home. On its own it is not comprehensive enough to encompass everything needed but it could form a valuable part of a larger revision programme - not program. Good use has been made of the graphics capability of the TI, although the use of colour is not so successful.