Computer Gamer

Nodes Of Yesod

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Odin
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K

Published in Computer Gamer #5

Nodes Of Yesod

The title of this game gives nothing away. Is it an adventure, or perhaps a game? Well, it's a bit of both. You play the part of 'The Right Hon Charlemange Fotherington-Grunes' (Charlie for short) and you have been assigned the task of discovering what is going on on the moon and who or what is sending out the strange signals.

The game loads at a very high baud rate and once in the screen shows a hi-res picture of a space man. The game then says 'Nodes Of Yesod - Odin Computer Graphics'. The speech is very clear but it isn't used anywhere else in the game.

So on to the game - the idea is to guide Charlie around the caverns of the moon. To enable him to get about Charlie is capable of some very respectable somersaults which he does if told to jump whilst running. This means that Charlie can jump from platform to platform and thus work his way down to the hiding places of the Alchiems.

Nodes of Yesod

These Alchiems are keys to the lower levels and there are eight to collect. Unfortunately the caverns are inhabited by moon beings. These take the form of Bear-like things on springs, disgruntled space invaders and walking potatoes. The Bears and Invaders explode if Charlie touches them but the potatoes repell him causing him to do a few back slips.

Also to be found are strange energy fields that cause paralysis and a ghost-like creature in the shape of a spaceman. One feature of this game that I especially liked was that, if the pause function is used, Charlie sits down and waits for you to return.

The game also has creatures to befriend which enable you to become a mole but as I have only played this for two hours I haven't seen these yet!

The graphics are very good and the sound is well used in a couple of moon tunes, even though the game speaks only once.

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