An entertaining way for the under sixes to learn the numbers
six to nine, practise counting up to nine, and be introduced to
addition and subtraction. The program uses a baker in a shop
with a box of animated buns and three gingerbread men to teach
the numbers and then to test the child. There is plenty of
reinforcement of all that is learnt.
Addition is taught using an animated plus sign and various
animals showing how many are to be added. Then practice in
adding occurs, using an overlay. A snake replaces the subtraction
sign in the demonstration of take-away and leads to the practice
Each activity has been well-planned, with good use made of
the sound and graphics capability of the Spectrum. The child
and parent would, obviously, be best employed using an activity
thoroughly at one session and not race through them all just
because they are loaded. Too much at one time would confuse
and not educate.