In Nightmare Maze, from
MRM, the hero of the scenario.
Sleepy Joe. must make his way
around the maze collecting the
eight keys required to open the
Dark Door of Deeper Sleep and
progress to the next level.
Unfortunately for Joe he is
not the only occupant of the
maze. The pathways are strewn
with Springy Thingies which
bounce around the maze emit
ting an irritatingly loud "bdinging"
There is no fear of Joe falling
asleep in this game! But the
sound can be turned off before
starting the game.
Occasionally a cup of black
coffee will appear in random
positions around the maze.
Touch the coffee and the
bouncing beasties will disappear
for a short time allowing Joe to
collect his keys unhindered.
This facility is essential as it is
infuriatingly difficult to collect
all the keys within the time limit
without having made the baddies
disappear at some stage.
One slightly irritating thing is
that when a life is lost the keys
already collected go too, so you
must start again with eight keys
to collect.
As you progress through the
screens the complexity of the
maze increases and the Springy
Thingies are replaced by another
bevy of bouncing baddies.
The graphics of this game are
drawn using the characteristic
MRM 3D shading effect, the
floor of the maze is given depth
and all moving characters a
But the high standard attained
by the graphics isn't repeated
when it comes to moving the
Moving in a straight line
causes no problem, but when Joe
comes to a crossroad, usually
with a Springy right on his tail, it
is well nigh impossible to make a
smooth sidestep up one of the
adjoining pathways.
Unless Joe stands in the exact
position at that junction there is
no way he is allowed to change
When releasing a new version
of an old established theme such
as this it has to be perfect.
Unfortunately this was one
nightmare that I could have
easily slept through.