There are two programs on side one, Piano Player and Composer,
and one on side two, Musical Quiz.
Piano Player shows five black and seven white keys. The note
played is depressed on screen while shown below, together with
the octave and length of note (from 0.05 to 1 second) which may
both be altered by four keys. Pressing z returns us to the menu - a useful
Composer allows you to play a composed or demonstration tune, save, load
or compose a tune. For composition, using up to 1,000 notes, screen top
has five staves and notes of rest and note number. Nine keys allow choice
of note, duration, rest or correction and playback.
In Musical Quiz, Clever Clogs asks 100 Grade One multiple choice
questions, which may be altered. You start with a choice of six tunes,
building up note by note at screen top with the correct answers. Clever
Clogs smiles or grimaces, correct answers are shown and the tune plays
at the end.